The Hulton Getty Picture Collection: 1930s : decades of the 20th century = Dekaden des 20. Jahrhunderts = Decennies du XXe siecle

Yapp, Nick.

The Hulton Getty Picture Collection: 1930s : decades of the 20th century = Dekaden des 20. Jahrhunderts = Decennies du XXe siecle Nick Yapp ; edt. James Hughes ; translated Francine Rey , Angela Ritter. - Köln : Könemann ; 1998. - 393 p. : ill. : col. ; 17 cm.

Dizin var.


World history -- Pictorial works.
World history, Modern -- 20th century -- Pictorial works.
Dünya Tarihi -- 20. Yüzyıl.
Dünya Tarihi -- Modern Dönem.

D 420 .Y36 1998
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